En kattens jul
En kattens jul. Novelle af Vibeke Vestergaard.
En kattens jul. Novelle af Vibeke Vestergaard.
7 romance-julenoveller af danske forfattere. Indeholder novellen En kattens jul af Vibeke Vestergaard.
23 pandeminoveller fra Science Fiction Cirklen. Indeholder novellen LoveBUG2 af Vibeke Vestergaard.
A collection of 50 short stories by writers from across the globe in a a unique, online, collaborative storytelling initiative by Magic Diary. Volume II, with 18 stories from Europe & Africa. Features the short story One Thousand Followers.
A unique, transcontinental, gastronomical experience from the storytellers of A POCKETFUL OF DREAMS. Features my recipe for Danish apple cake.